
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Former employee of Hammond Water Works files discrimination lawsuit | Initiative Legal Group

Initiative Legal Group stays up to date with Class Action news from around the globe.

Below is the first part of an article by Ed Bierschenk It reads...

HAMMOND | A former employee of Hammond Water Works said she was discriminated against because of her race while employed at the department.
Hazell Ridgell, an African-American, complained in a federal lawsuit filed on her behalf last week by attorney Bryan K. Bullock, that she was treated differently than her white co-workers.
For instance, she contends at one point when the building where she and others worked was being rehabilitated, employees were moved to the basement. Later, during this period, Ridgell said all of her white co-workers were given a desk upstairs, while she was left in the basement.
She also complained that she was not treated equally when it came to pay or work hours.
Ridgell contends that when she was transferred to the inventory clerk position in the water works department, her pay was never increased to the salary level of the white incumbent who previously held the job.
Ridgell said she complained to her immediate supervisor, the human resources department, and to Edward Krusa, the water works chief executive officer, about the pay disparity. According to the lawsuit, Krusa offered to give her an additional $3,000 rather than to equalize her pay and/or pay her the money she lost for not being paid at the same rate as her predecessor for five years.
source: here
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